Friday, December 28, 2012, 10:49 PM
Listening to - LEESSANG's The girl who can't break up, the guy who can't leave
I'm back after a month, I've been so busy for the past month. Ohya u can youtube the above song, it's so freaking catchy. I got to know this song through Running Man! I've been so into this variety show and watching it from episode 1. It's already airing like episode 125 now? CHIONG AHHHH!
So 2012 is coming to an end in about less than 4 days? This year.....hasn't been a good year for me or perhaps the second half of the year wasn't good. Oh well! But still, I'm looking forward to 2-0-1-3! Never been a fan of Christmas probably cause I'm not a Christian so I don't feel the giving and joyful occassion. I prefer to celebrate the birth of a new year :)
And I have a few resolutions for this upcoming year. The main one will be.....wearing a sports attire and have a jog in Korea!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA so I've somehow made up my mind on going to Korea for a month for my school's summer exchange programme(well, it's the last year to travel with the school cause I'm graduating so I'll treat this as my grad trip!). Can't wait for the registration in Jan! Despite Dad and friends have been encouraging me to go to London, I still chose Korea cause of the money! >.< Dad wanna spons me but I feel damn bad cause it's not like I'm from a rich family thus I don't wanna use his money as it's my own will to go on this trip. And I'm still trying to save for Korea though. But yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh can't wait anneyohaseyo!
So within these 2 months, we celebrated three of the BKKGIRLZ' birthdays.
We all love this specie.....
And I got my belated birthday gift as well! POLAROID!!!!! Thanks! X
Check out my blue eyes~
Love them so much, hopefully we will make Dec'13 a success ya? XOXO
Ending this post with the red haired me. LOLOL~
Happy upcoming 2013! Wishing everyone to be happy every single day, that's the most important thing in life i guess :) X